Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Welsh Civil War Has To Stop Now!

As the debating rumbles on in the boardrooms of Welsh rugby, a decision needs to be reached soon. Players are beginning to admit that not knowing what is going on next year is starting to affect their performance on the field. Who can blame them, if you were in a job and there was uncertainty over your future or where the work was going to come from you might feel the same.

Ryan Jones is the most recent of the Welsh players to bemoan the current situation, after he was announced in the six nations squad yesterday he has said that the off-field rumblings could effect Wales' campaign. This was along with the announcement that he would be leaving the Ospreys to go to Bristol at the end of the season.

The time for talking has to end and with any luck today's all day meeting could be the the last. At this meeting Warren Gatland will be present, we're yet to hear what the Kiwi has to say but he has always been keen on keeping Welsh players in Wales. He will surely be keen to end this civil war, allow players to sign contracts and then focus solely on the matter at hand; the six nations. However, both sides will have their lawyers at this meeting which is an ominous sign as Welsh fans fear this dispute going to the court.

The courtroom would simply cost too much money for both sides. The reason this debate is here is because the isn't enough money in the Welsh game to sustain teams, and the regions want more. The WRU promise more over time but that's not enough. However, the WRU are also cash strapped and attempting to lower debts. So to see them both in court wasting funds that could be used to put players on the field is madness. If the case goes to court there is only one winner, the lawyers.

It is time that both sides agreed to disagree and put rugby first, rather than their power game which has taken centre stage for far too long.

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